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Speciality Tawny ~ Smoked Malt Whisky Tawny

SKU: 001
  • Simply the Best! Awarded third place in the International Wine Show, London, 1999.


    This specialty tawny -not for the feint hearted- is strong, rich, elegant and very smooth. With no added sugar, the complexity and layers of flavour shine through with every sip. It is unlike any other, a true celebration.


    Using peat imported from Ireland and housed in oak from the King’s Forest in England, this unique tawny is medium to dry in flavour, shows as earthy, brown hue and is delightfully supported by a touch of influence from the Smoked Malt Whisky barrel in which it was aged.


    This is the drink for when you dare to be different, when only the best will do and you know you deserve the best.


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